Authors at the bowling alley I have to use a 60-second timer circuit rules should prepare 60sec. ball in the need to throw 🙂 Anyway circuit pic16f876 microcontroller based on the output of the… Electronics Projects,60 Seconds Stopwatch Circuit “microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f876 projects, “
Authors at the bowling alley I have to use a 60-second timer circuit rules should prepare 60sec. ball in the need to throw 🙂 Anyway circuit pic16f876 microcontroller based on the output of the 2N2222 transistors with a strengthened SMD LEDs are driven writer stopwatch circuit oversized display has not used instead SMD LEDs display prepare software mikroC prepared with the C source and hex code are also proteus isis simulation files pcb drawings there is
Circuit power up the “START” button is pressed 15sec countdown begins. stayed 1 .2 seconds, buzzer, raspy singing meanwhile counting buzzer is silent when the time expires buzzer, 1 .2 seconds seconds long term singing and counter back to the beginning in addition reset and re-count-Buttons there …
Source: 60 SECONDS STOPWATCH CIRCUIT alternative link: 60-seconds-stopwatch-circuit-mikroc-pic16f876a.RAR
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