Pic belongs to the timer circuit and printed circuit board circuit diagram drawing software is available. If your car’s turbocharger has just been running, it is vital to allow the engine to idle for a few minutes before switching … Electronics Projects, Timer relay with PIC16F88 ” microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f88 projects,
Pic belongs to the timer circuit and printed circuit board circuit diagram drawing software is available.
If your car’s turbocharger has just been running, it is vital to allow the engine to idle for a few minutes before switching off. This Adaptive Turbo Timer will do the job automatically. It only operates when necessary and sets the idle time according to how hard you’ve driving.
Source: http://www.siliconchip.com.au/cms/A_109072/article.html
Timer Circuit schematic pcb PIC16F88 pic assembly source code alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST ( in TXT format ): LINKS-2531.zip
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