Caption (copied from the NorCal meeting listed in the links below):
IK3OIL Frequency counter built by Wayne McFee. This is from IK3OIL’s web site, and the cost of the counter was about $2, minus the display, which was about $7. Wayne got the source was They are located in Gardenia, California.
Design and Code by Francisco IK3OIL
This frequency counter was mentioned on the QRP-L mailing list.
I offered to put up some more information on the counter on this web page.
I have not built one (yet) nor do I have any further information than what is here.
UPDATE!: I did build a counter it was not an IK3OIL counter but based on comments by PIC Elmer WB8RCR on Echolink, I built instead an OM3CPH counter.
It works FB! Thanks for the hints and the great work with the PIC Elmer course John!
Davewb4 at provided these files
Here are some comments he made to the QRP-L list:
HI All: Wayne got the hex code for the counter from me. I got it from Francisco (IK3OIL). I have built 5 of these counters and all work from the git-go. I have the hex code and can supply it to anyone who wants it. I also have redone the art work for Francisco's board. He used some NO tactile switches that are hard to find so I changed the board slightly. I will be happy to supply that to any one who wants it. The counter costs about $ 10 to build since you can get the PIC16F84 chip from Micro-Chip as samples. If you are going to Orlando this week end for the ham fest I will be there at the ARCI meeting with a IK3IOL micro counter and some Unicounters and a 2N2/20. IF anyone wants to build a Microcounter but cannot program a chip, just send me an 18pin Dip 16F84 and I will be happy to program one for you. I also have the schematic for the Micro-counter. 73 Dave Rogers WB4CHK Plantation, FL --- Here is a good place to purchase the LCD. Click on character LCD and in the middle of the page find Seiko L1671BIP...... A 1x16 character LCD, its back lit and the $ 6.00 price is nice. I must say I am overwhelmed by the interest 73 Dave --- Since there is so much interest in this project, here is what you get. 1. A very nice stand alone frequency counter for the bench or 2. A digital readout for any rig. With the mode switch you can set the IF offset to any of three combinations i.e.: VFO+IF.... VFO-IF or IF-VFO 3. With some additions it can count into the Gig region. It has a pre-scaler option. ( Wayne McFee NB6M has some mods for that, so if you are interested in counting that high you should contact him. I use them for rigs I build. I installed one in my 2N2/20. It has an 11meg IF & a 3meg VFO so I use VFO+IF to read 14MHZ 4. A typical 14mhz count would be 14.060.45 If you use my art work for the PC board, please note I use MS paint and everything is oversize. I suggest first of course, reverse the design then print a copy of the board. Place an 18pin dip socket on the print and compare the hole line up. It will probably be to large. I then use the size program on my HP laser jet program to reduce the size. Try 74% that should be close. Once you get the Dip to exactly the correct size all the rest will be OK. I use PnP blue to make the boards. If you want to build the counter and do not have a programmer for the PIC16F84, just send me one and I will program it for you. Any questions just ring. I also have some pictures of the completed board, the switch change, the LCD connections and the finished counter. It's a large file 3.5MB. 73 Dave
Here is the link to the PDF file by IK3OIL:
Here is a link to the AN592 MicroChip Application note referenced in
Francesco’s Frequency Counter above:
Here is a link to the NorCal meeting where the counter was mentioned:
Here is a copy of the PIC source code that I got from Dave ( Davewb4 at )
Here are the layout/schematic files compressed into a zip file
NOTE: Daveb4 at has agreed to be a contact person re this counter as I know nothing more
than what is here.
Here is a note from ve7wrs re a similar PIC Counter project
All, You might also want to check-out the frequency counter that Phil Rice, VK3BHR, in Australia produced. It is an almost identical design; PIC 16F84 with a single input transistor. In fact he gives credit to IK3OIL for inspiring the design. Phil even makes the source code available if you want to tweak it. On the web site click on the Updated Frequency Counter. I haven't built it, but I did email Phil for ideas about using a TCXO instead of the 4 Mhz crystal. He was very helpful. Phil also has a PIC16F84 L/C meter project which I did build. It functions very much like the Almost all Digital meter (which I don't own). Mine works great, and is really useful for sorting out unmarked or illegible inductors and capacitors. Highly recommended. -Walter VE7WRS
Here are some photos from Dave for the ik3oil counter
K3OIL Micro-counter mounted in a K8IQY 2N2/20
Mounted in a 2N2/20 with the PC board separate from the LCD and connected by a 16 pin cable
Source: IK3OIL 16F84 PIC Frequency Counter Files
The post IK3OIL 16F84 PIC Frequency Counter Files appeared first on PIC Microcontroller.