PIC16F877 timer0 code and Proteus simulation
This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, ” How to use timer0 of PIC16F877 and how to handle its interrupts? “ Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PIC timer0 code...
View ArticlePIC12F675 timer1 code and Proteus simulation
This post provides the timer1 code for PIC12F675 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads‘ section at the...
View ArticlePIC12F675 timer0 code and Proteus simulation
This post provides the timer0 code for PIC12F675 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads‘ section at the...
View ArticleMaking a binary clock using a PIC16F88
You can use a PIC microcontroller and an LED matrix to create a binary clock (or if you prefer you can wire up individual LEDs). This project uses an LED matrix block as it saves lots of wiring. So...
View ArticlePIC based WWVB clock
Introduction There are many DIY versions of WWVB clock designs available on the web. Commercial “atomic” clocks are inexpensive and widely available, but I wanted to try my hand at designing one to...
View ArticleDigital stopwatch using microcontroller
How much time this event will take to finish?OK, Let’s countdown the time.So a stopwatch is the best solution.Just press the start button to start countdown then stop when the event completed.Now every...
Introduction This program is an experimental timed-discharge adapter for a Vericom control panel used with an Orenco Systems AdvanTex® wastewater treatment system (sewage filtration system) marketed by...
View ArticleNaked Clock using PIC16F877 Microcontroller
Why have an enclosure? The enclosure of a clock doesn’t tell you the time! So I built this PIC clock with no part that doesn’t serve an electrical function. The hanger is the ground. The...
View ArticlePIC16CXXX real time clock electronic project
A very simple real time clock electronic project can be designed using the PIC16CXXX microcontroller family , designed by Microchip Technology . This real time clock electronic project uses the Timer1...
View ArticleDigital Clock Using Microcontroller 89C52/89S52
Are you a beginner in micro controller projects?and are you stuck where to start from?if yes,then this is one of the simplest mini projects that you can start from . This mini project will give you a...
View ArticlePIC16F877 timer1 code and Proteus simulation
This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, ” How to use timer1 of PIC16F877 and how to handle its interrupts? “ Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PIC timer1 code...
View ArticleBig 7-segment Digital Clock
Using only 2 capacitors, 3 resistors, 4 BIG seven-segment Display, 1 xtal, 2 switches ,and 1 Microcontroller PIC, you can build this Digital Led Clock main circuit. you can use common anode or common...
View ArticleSingle-Tube nixie clock | Microcontroller Project
Here is the nixie clock ! PIC16F84A microcontroller Single-digit Nixie, sequential hours, minutes and seconds display DCF-77 atomic clock, with automatic or manual time set-up high voltage power...
View ArticleDigital Clock using PIC Microcontroller Interrupt – XC8
A Real Time clock (Digital Clock) can be made easily by using Timer 1 of a PIC Microcontroller. The Timer1 module exists in most of the series of PIC, this module can be used to easily implement a...
View ArticleVideo Clock Superimposer using PIC16C711
About the Project As a followup to my VCR Pong project, here is a gadget that is actually useful in the Real World! It superimposes the time of day, in “HH MM SS” format, in the bottom right-hand...
View ArticleDigital Count Down Timer using PIC Microcontroller
In this article, our author Mithun has developed a 0 – 99 min counter using PIC microcontroller 16F628A. So basically this is a digital count down timer ideal for engineering and diploma students for...
View ArticleHard Drive Clock using PIC16F628
ave an old hard drive that no longer works? As long as it still spins up chances are you could build a clock out of your old hard drive! You will need some electronic knowledge, some common electronic...
View ArticlePIC16F84A timer0 code and Proteus simulation
This post provides the timer0 code for PIC16F84A microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads‘ section at the...
View ArticleIN-8 single nixie tube clock using PIC16F84
After receiving one IN-8 tube from a friend (thanks), I decided to build myself a clock. This clock is more an ornament than a useful machine because it consists of just one digit (tube) so it displays...
View ArticleDetermine capacitance by measuring the charging time using PIC16F688
When TEST botton is pressed, RA3 pin is set to “1”. R2 and R3 are divide the voltage to 1/2 Vra3 which is connected to RA2 pin to be a Vref for comparator. The C undertest is charging and the timer is...
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